I tried my best to capture all of the colors in this polish but once again my pictures aren't the best. I managed to capture most of them but the awesome rusty red color eluded me.
If it weren't for the sheer awesomeness of this color I would HATE this nail polish. The formula sucks so much. The first coat made me cringe. It wasn't the sheerness that bothered me but the awful streaks and bald spots. The polish also seems very dry you have to really glob it on or else it dries midway through painting the nail and creates drag. The 2nd coat helped the streaks but the bald spots were still very visible. Luckily after the 3rd coat it was pretty much opaque but I did have to go back and touch up some bald spots a 4th time. Also, after just one mani, my bottle has a noticeable amount gone. Since I paid $13 for this puny bottle I'm going to have to save it for special occasions. =p
Anyway enough babbling, on to the pictures! This was with Gelous base coat 3-4 coats of Bad Fairy and Color Club Vivid top coat. Please excuse my wonky pointer finger, it broke and is growing back all weird!
MAC Bad Fairy

omg what an awesome color!